My latest, latest greatest novel
The White Whippet
John McCullough
As I walked from the house, what should appear?
A racer, a hound, a whippet I fear
As white as a ghost, and swift as the wind
It dashed into sight and then out again
In this flavorless age, for magic at least
Is it wise for a wizard to appear as a beast?
Whatever comparison I found, between a white whippet and a white rabbit is phonetic at best. Chasing either seems a task best left to an acid head. Not that I am a virgin to LSD, but it seems like hundreds of years since last I imbibed.
I didn’t actually chase it, but it just so happened to be going in the same direction that I was heading. As I pulled up to the stop sign at the end of the street, I looked to the left to see if there was any traffic in the lane I had to cross, and I looked to the right to see if there was any traffic in the lane in which I was about to merge. There, in the corner lot, stood the white whippet, giving me a look like it noticed, that I had noticed.
Not that I have any empirical proof in the existence of magic, would that this whippet were to trans…whatever Carlos Castañeda called it, I would be more than willing to videotape it and to show it on the talk show circuit, if the would be sorcerer were willing to be videotaped and I could get him to sign the necessary release forms.
When I was younger, I thought a would be was a wood bee. What slayed me was the number of wood bee assassins. Save the wood bees! Wisdom is a process. There is no coincidence that wise rhymes with eyes, and wizard rhymes with lizard, no coincidence whatsoever.
This story began as an observation, turned into a poem and evolved into story, because, if the truth be told, poetic justice is an oxymoron. If meter and rhyme are your partners in crime, and syntax is your master, at some point, sooner than later you are going to have to resort to the language of the gibbers, a.k.a. gibberish.
At that point why not revert back to a simpler form of communication. Because it is not how you say it, but what? You say!
"God help me, things never get any better, they just keep getting harder, and harder, and harder"
That quote, of course, was from an earlier entry of yours. My comment is that the reality of supernatural beings is that they do NOT, EVER, intervene for or against us. I suppose I could use the singular "God" as there are not that many Pagans in the world.
Things get harder if you made the wrong choices. Or, if the choices have been made for you by another human being. Your Mom finds comfor in her belief system as 90% of the world does, but that doesn't mean you have to buy into it.
God will not stop you from going next door and shooting your neighbor! That action was YOUR decision.
Where was God on "9/11?" If Allah and God are one in the same, was he on the side of the terrorists? I doubt it. GOD DOES NOT TAKE SIDES, if indeed he/she/it exists.
The tsunami that killed 270,000 people had nothing to do with God. There is a quote from Epicurus that I particular like:
"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"
I think evil comes from messed up people who make very poor decisions that effect the lives of others. If our decisiona are good, we will help our fellow human beings. If our decisions are bad, we will suffer the consequences here on earth in this lifetime, not in some nebulous "heaven in the sky."
Personally, I too have gone through many potentially life threatening events during my 58 years (58 TODAY! 12/25) Consequently, to me, LIFE can be hell at times. There is no fire and brimstone.
All we can hope to do is have a positive influence on others, by helping, inspiring, or benefitting mankind in some way. It's the only thing that brings contentment and true happiness.
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