
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Evolution vs. Revolution

As my 21 year old son cries revolution, I am prone to cry evolution. I believe the ability of the human species to reason has already evolved, it just hasn't caught on yet. The leap from cannabalism to capitalism took a long time and they are basically the same. How long does that mean it will take for people to realize that peace and justice are better than pride and greed. If we do not exstinct ourselves in the process I believe someday reason will catch on.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Sloppy Journalism vs. Dead People

On Tuesday 9/21/04 Steve Gill, host of the Steve Gill Show on FM 99.7 WTN, Nashville,TN commented on his outrage because Dan Rather went on 60 Minutes and did a report about George Bush being a"Fortunate Son" in his avoidance of combat duty in the Viet NamWar, based on false documents and unreliable sources.
George Bush declared war on the nation of Iraq based on false documents and unreliable sources.
Steve Gill believes Dan Rather should resign, or that CBS should fire him. Does that also mean that Steve Gill believes that George Bush should resign, or that he should be impeached?