I am so pissed!
I got diagnosed with cancer a week ago and I was told today that I have at least one more surgery and chemo and radiation to look forward to, and I have way more things that I would like to get done before I become a radically mutilated cancer patient.
My name is John McCullough, I am a singer, a songwriter, a guitarist and a photographer. That is all that I am. That is all that I ever will be. Anything that is contrary to those means is unacceptable to me.
I am expected to go out on tour and come back and start the mutilation process, how does that begin to advance MY goals?
I am making progress! I have moved from being pissed, to being so fucking scared and so fucking angry, I can not stand it. It is not always darkest before the dawn because I have been up since about 2AM and it was a lot darker then.
You are so much more than you mentioned. You are a husband, father, grandfather, brother and son. You have been so successful at each of these titles. We are here for you when you get scared and we will be by your side during this unknown journey. I owe you so much and I am ready to give it back now. Keep the door open so that we can come in and be there for you. Much Love from home and many hugs and kisses.
Well it is September the 13th. I had my surgery yesterday. In at noon, out at 6PM, home in time for dinner. According to Dr. Larsen, if the lymph nodes are not involved I may be able to forego chemo.
well Igot about a tenday ignorance is bliss reprieve from the chemo scare. but according to yesterdays pathology report, it looks like the chemo is back on. I am just grateful for the ten days off!
I went to my new oncologist Tuesday. I had to change oncologist because we moved. I go for two test tomorrow and sugical follow up on November 5th and return to my new oncologist on the 6th. Chemo is back on and he is discussing installing a port.
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