
Monday, August 30, 2004

IT: a work in progress

John McCullough
I'm sitting in a hotel room trying to think of the word used for a group of initials which represents a string of words, like AA or snafu. What if I have lost the ability to think? What if my brain is completely full? What if it is malfunctioning? What is it? It is.
I am no longer sitting in a hotel room, which neither implies that I am standing or in a hotel room.
The depth of my depravity is directly proportionate to the amount of time that I have left over at the end of the day.
I can change the world. I can dig a hole in it. It may not be better or worse, but it will be different.
This is the beginning to my great American novel. I will need at least one $5000 advance to fini shit, the shit to end all shits. I realize this is paramount to extortion.
The word is acronym.
It is amazing. How much life reflects art?
Some acronyms are created prior to the selection of words they are designated to represent.
FUBAR is not one of those acronyms.
Chevalerie d'Institution et Regles Catholiques, d'Union Independente et Traditionaliste
(Chivalry of Catholic Rules and Institutions of the Independent and Tradionalist Union)
Isn't it amazing? How much pride is wasted on the least accomplished? The more accomplished one is, the more one realizes how little one has to do with one's own accomplishments.
Ain't, ain't a word, because ain't, ain't in the dictionary. Good God I am glad that I am not a linguist.
Timothy McVeigh was executed yesterday. Is capitol punishment a deterrent to capitol crime? I believe it is a sadistic reaction to a sadistic action. I believe it has more to do with Newton's Law than legal justice.
Justice: It is not us against them, it is just us.
This week was a benchmark in the march against right wing political mania in the media. In the midst of listening to Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by: Al Franken, I got an opportunity to hear a rebroadcast of the NPR interview with Bill O’Rielly featured as the guest on Fresh Air. Bill O’Rielly got so flustered by what sounded like a twelve year old girl that he turned tail and stormed out of the studio like a big wimp. I was not nearly as exuberant when Rush Limbaugh came on and made his confession of addiction, but as I know from my own experience, humility is essential to recovery from addiction. If anybody could use a dose of humility, it’s Rush Limbaugh.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The Celestial, the Terrestrial and the Immaterial.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Letting Go

Letting Go
by: John McCullough
Sometimes when I'm feeling bad, I try to make it right
I try to change the world and I can put up quite a fight
But when I'm tired of fighting and I'm tired of being right
I say a little prayer to God and everything's alright
And it's more than all I have and it's more than all I know
It's a simple little prayer to God, I call it Letting Go.
There are two words to the title, there are two words to the verse
I say it while I lay in bed and several times at work
And it's more than all I have and it's more than all I know
It's a simple little prayer to God, I call it Letting Go.

Kill the Noise

Kill the Noise
John McCullough
When I talked too much
I cannot hear the mission
When I close my eyes
I lose my inhibitions
When I shut my mouth
I hear without conditions
Why do I ruin my chances for survival
Early departure means dead on arrival
The word in the book only comes with one edition
A small still voice
Kill the noise
The deer in the headlights doesn’t hear the voice of reason
They die on the highway either in or out of season
The only protection that I need for my direction
Is a small still voice
Kill the noise
Do this and you shall live
It’s the greatest gift that I can never give
It’s a small still voice
Kill the noise

A Nursery Rhyme for the Stubborn Child

A Nursery Rhyme for the Stubborn Child
John McCullough
Sunlight does it shine as bright
Even when it’s out of sight
On cloudy days and in the dead of night
And even if the clouds were gone
The circling hordes of carrion
Would take away my vision of the sun
Moving in cyclonic fashion
Spiraling in patient passion
If I should lose my will to carry on
They’ll swoop down and consume my flesh
And pick my bones and leave the rest
And rest a while and let my stuff digest
They’ll strip me of my nutrients
And shoot me out in excrement
To tumble freely on my last descent
The worms will further harvest me
And turn me into history
And life is such a mystery to me
Sunlight does it shine as bright
When bones are bleached to pearly white
On cloudy days and in the dead of night
Child of six up past eleven
Aspire to reach the age of seven
Close your eyes or turn your thoughts to heaven
The End
Good Night

Saturday, August 21, 2004

When in the Course of Human Events?

When in the course of human events is it O.K. to be liberal or to criticize the establishment.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.
I am writing this criticism in response to DELIVER US FROM EVIL Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism by Sean Hannity. Whereas I believe Sean Hannity has implied that any and all liberalism is evil.
What is liberal: According to Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition;
liberal: BROAD-MINDED esp : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms.
What is "a" liberal: It is a label.
Ad hominem labeling discourages debate. I believe my beliefs are primarily liberal, therefore I would not be offended, in the least, if you called me a liberal.
One additional reference from Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition defining liberalism: a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties. This brings me to my first criticism beyond the jacket liner of DELIVER US FROM EVIL Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism by Sean Hannity. On pages 2 and 3 Mr. Hannity states:
" It’s difficult for liberals to see such moral questions clearly because most of them are moral relativist. They reject absolute standards of right and wrong. In their worldview, man is perfectible, human nature is on a linear path toward enlightenment, and the concept of sin is primitively biblical."
Here is where I beg to differ, the etymology of the word human indicates that it is derived from humus meaning earth, in other words humans are dirt. We are all endowed with seven deadly sins: pride, greed, anger, lust, envy, sloth, and gluttony, and three cardinal virtues: faith, hope, and charity. We are seven parts rotten and three parts good, we are seventy percent rotten, all of us. That includes myself, Sean Hannity, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Charles Manson, the Pope, Madonna and the little boy who lives down the lane.
Evil exists. It is live spelled backwards.
To qualify my statements concerning the seven deadly sins, I refer to The Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions, "To avoid confusion over the names these defects should be called, let’s take a universally recognized list of major human failings-the Seven Deadly Sins of pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth."
What I was threatened with if I did not stick to the program was drinking and death. I did not consider this revelation any more offensive than being cast into hell for disobedience or struck blind for masturbating.
Bill of Rights
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
On September the 16th, President of the United States George W. Bush stated:
"This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while"
Mr. Hannity wastes no time in mentioning The United States of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage on page 14 and on page 15 Mr. Hannity states:
"A group of Islamic extremist attacks us because we’re a largely Judeo-Christian nation that supports Israel, and we’re supposed to keep silent about our faith?"
Pages 25 through 39 are devoted to the holocaust and pages 292 through 296 of the epilogue are dedicated to Israel and the Palestinians.
Politics and religion are a dangerous combination. Personally I believe a majority of religion is politics. The post apocalyptic Jerusalem will have twelve gates and look a whole lot like the Emerald City. After the apocalyptic genocide what will be the need of a gated community. I am pretty sure the 4 million Palestinians refugees will be taken care of by the apocalyptic genocide.
The Romans occupy the Holy Land. God sends Jesus the Son of God, being one with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost to the rescue. The Jews convince the Romans to crucify Jesus. 400 years later the Christians turn power over to none other than the Romans. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
I believe the greatest threat to America is any law that Congress passes respecting aid or comfort to Israel.
Israel is an establishment of religion. Therefore any law that Congress passes respecting aid or comfort to Israel is a violation of the First Amendment and is therefore unconstitutional.
I believe the second greatest threat to our American way of life is any law attempting to provide vouchers to parents to allow their children to attend private and/our religious schools. In my lifetime I have seen the deterioration of wages and benefits, people are working longer hours, the possibility of a one income household keeping their head above water is virtually nil, retirement is about as stable as a crap shoot, and as we know the house always wins, and now we want to plunge our kids into the dog eat dog world of corporate privatization. Religious schools are an establishment of religion. I believe any law attempting to provide vouchers to parents to allow their children to attend private and/our religious schools is a violation of the First Amendment and is therefore unconstitutional.
Support our troops. Thou shalt not take the name of our troops in vain. Get real, the institutions that are taking the lions share of the $400,000,000,000.00 annual defense budget are not our troops, they are companies like Halliburton, McDonald/Douglas, Boeing, General Electric, the Rand Corporation, and the Carlyle Group.
Trust me it’s hard to justify a $400,000,000,000.00 annual defense budget. Desperate attempts to justify this boondoggle have included the Falkland Islands War? Granada? A line in the sand? A line in the stans(Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, etc., etc., etc., …)
So far we have been threatened with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The threats have not come from our enemies, they have come from our State of the Union address. What the actual defense budget of our combined international threat has thrown up against us is:
Box cutters
a shovel which was used to dig a six foot spider hole for Saddam Hussein to hide in
That would be $100,000,000,000 for each of the above line items.
Dwight D. Eisenhower said before leaving office "Beware of the military-industrial complex".
Oh when will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn.
I am not saying we don’t have mean people who want to injure us, mortally if necessary, but unfortunately a majority of those people are supposed to be the people we are counting on to protect us.
Jingoism, nationalism, pride, greed and corruption are just as responsible for the death of our troops as radical Islamic fundamentalist ever thought about being.
Wake up and smell the coffee, flag waving, gun toting, neo-conservative nut jobs are ruining our country and they don’t give a damn about the men, women and children, foreign or American, military or civilian who are dying to justify their cause.
A client state in the middle east and a more powerful military-industrial complex, money and power, power and money. It is capitalism gone psychotic. And the top 2% who are profiteering off of this insanity are the ones who are benefiting most from the George W. Bush tax cuts, putting a greater burden on working Americans to fund the $400,000,000,000.00 annual defense budget.
It’s like Robin Hood, only backwards, oh, and it stinks and it sucks and it is absolutely evil.
What I don’t understand is what Sean Hannity is getting out of this? He is by no means one of the top 2% who is managing his estate up into the seventh generation, he may be a wealthy celebrity but the truly wealthy would look down their nose at him as if he were Jed Clampett.
For further study refer to
Clinton bashing. Character assassination.
On Thursday July 22, 2004 I heard Sean Hannity interview Commissioner John Lehman concerning the Sudanese offer to hand over Osama bin Laden to the United States, Lehman stated there never was a confirmed offer to hand over bin Laden. The source of that information was questionable.
Getting to yes. An old technique I recall from selling overpriced vacuum cleaners to unsuspecting victims, it’s the oldest trick in the book and there are plenty of books to tell you how to get there.
I have heard Sean Hannity use the question "Is the world a better place now that Saddam Hussein has been captured and the rape rooms and the mass graves have been shut down"
Mr. Hannity you are leading the witness.
Now come on, is that a fair question? I mean what kind of puppy kicker would say no to that question?
Mr. Hannity would it piss you off if the Iraqi court found Saddam Hussein not guilty, reinstated his job and demanded back pay from the United States?
Mr. Hannity would it piss you off if Ted Kennedy wrote SEAN HANNITY SUCKS in the snow with his own urine in front of your place of residence?
Just answer the question or I am going to have to end this article.
The End

Middle East Peace Plan

Middle East Peace Plan
Step 1: Have the UN form a new nation of Palestine, formerly known as the state of Florida.
Step 2: Provide any and all necessary UN peace keeping and security forces to secure the coasts, the borders and the interior of the new nation until such time as the new Palestine has sufficient arms and forces to protect their own coasts, borders and the interior.
Step 3: Allow any and all Palestinians to settle in the new nation now known as Palestine. Settlement will involve sufficient housing and property, which may lead to occasional forfeitures by remaining residents of the state formerly known as Florida.
Step 4: Encourage any and all current residents to remain in the new nation of Palestine, formerly known as the state of Florida as long as they are willing to surrender their United States citizenship and apply for Palestinian citizenship. Those who are chosen to stay will be subject to Palestinian law.
Step 5: Those who chose to leave, or have their applications denied will be forced to deport to an undisclosed refugee camp until such time as they can be assimilated into the remainder of the United States.

Bart and Lisa Simpson vs. Albert Einstein

Bart Simpson is traveling at ½ the speed of light, when he passes Lisa Simpson, who is standing still on the planet earth. Each child has a synchronous timepiece which is triggered to display 0:00:00 (h:m:s) as Bart passes. Simultaneously a laser is emitted from Lisa’s location. Bart and the laser are on a race to the sun.

At 0:04:00 on Lisa’s timepiece Bart passes ¼ AU (AU = the distance from the earth to the sun) and the laser beam passes ½ AU. When Bart passes ¼ AU he observes the readout on his timepiece. Much to his chagrin it does not read 0:04:00 because of Bart’s speed, the diminishing effects of earth’s gravity and the increasing effects of the sun’s gravity. Is there any way to calculate the read out on Bart’s timepiece? I am going to have to estimate the readout on Bart’s timepiece would read 0:02:00, because it would be consistent with the span between his position and the position of the forward most end of the laser beam.

Do LaGrange points have any significance in these calculations? Would Bart’s mass increase at ½ the speed of light? Is there any way to graphically display the topography of the warped space/time the travelers would be subjected to?
At 0:08:00 on Lisa’s timepiece Bart passes ½ AU and the laser beam passes 1 AU. When Bart passes ½ AU he observes the readout on his timepiece I am going to have to estimate the readout on Bart’s timepiece would read 0:04:00, because it would be consistent with the span between his position and the position of the forward most end of the laser beam.