
Sunday, November 30, 2008

A dream within a dream

Wierdest night ever. So I get home from the Open Mic at Tootsie's and I have about 500 images to edit
400 of them were crap. I get about half of them edited about midnight and I am exhausted, so I lie down. I wake up about 2:30AM, and I am wide awake, so I edit the second half. About 5AM I lie back down and I am having wierd dream after wierd dream. Then a friend wakes me up out of a wierd dream and he is smoking a cigarette, and I tell him smoking is prohibited in my apartment and then I realize that I am not in my apartment and my friend flicks ashes in the potted plants. I look out the window and there is something in the river which I presume to be dolphins and then I realize dolphins are not indiginous to fresh water. The animals are also to large to be dolphins, my next intuition is that they are manitees, and then I realize they are hippos and there are thousands of elephants bringing up the rear. Then this giant prehistoric creature jumps up out of the water takes a look around the street, climbs up over this carnival ride full of kids, and the kids are totally impressed. Prehistoric guy shoots up a side street and I woke up, for real. I hope! I wish that I could remember the dream I was having within the dream. I have never nor have I known anyone who has had a dream within a dream.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Why is love so hard?

Why Is Love So Hard?

by: John McCullough

© 2008

It's so easy in the movies, tv shows and in the chat rooms

But it's hard when it's written on your heart

It's like a knife, more like a scalpel, when it's carved into the muscle

Love is hard when it's written on you heart

It's twisted, convoluted, always messy and polluted

Love is hard when it's written on your heart

I guess if it was easy, everyone would try to seize it

Love is hard when it's written on your heart

Wait a minute, if you don't try to seize it, you're a damned fool

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

New SA

We are standing on the precipice of one the best days in American History, in my lifetime. I am giddy with anticipation, but I am just as scared, as I am excited.
If Barrack Obama wins tonight, the neocons are going to go ballistic, and I mean that in the literal sense. They have chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and enough small arms to fill the Grand Canyon. Beware means being aware, not necessarily being scared. I am very, very scared.
If John McCain wins I will probably head south, and the third presidential election in America will have been stolen.
Think before you vote.
Friends don't let friends vote stupid.